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Is the Smartphone Your Friend?

Is the Smartphone Your Friend?

Smartphones can serve a variety of purposes, and the vast majority of Americans will admit that they don’t leave home without their smartphone. Not only do they allow us to communicate but they also enable us to conduct research and have a virtual office. The smartphone also allows for internet and email access as well as organization through calendar features and other related apps. The National Association of Realtors Member Profile shows that well over 90 percent of realtor respondents reported the daily use of smartphones utilizing the capabilities of email and internet search on the phone.

Technology can be one of the largest expenses in a realtor's budget. From smartphones to tablets, the possibilities for your business to rely on technology are basically endless. Many realtors utilize smartphones as a main part of their business. Android and iPhones and OS’s each have distinct advantages in terms of the functionality and apps offered. Vehicle syncing technology, speakerphone, and Bluetooth are all specialized features that smartphones can offer. Being constantly on the go as a realtor these capabilities are important to always being available and ensuring client care. If you utilize a contact management database such as Outlook, Top Producer or another program, then you can easily sync your smartphone with the program to have all of the information necessary directly at your fingertips without having to be at your office.

There are many apps available that can assist in day-to-day business functions as well assisting in your marketing efforts. It seems like there is an app for just about everything these days as smartphone applications and programs can be easy to install and utilize.

A smartphone can also be utilized to take property photos and videos. Smartphones are now able to act as a pseudo DSLR or video camera. Smartphone kits can be purchased that allow for terrific video and photos to be taken. While many properties still call for a professional photographer, a smartphone is a great way to capture a few quick images of a property when necessary.

Smartphones can effortlessly send text and multimedia messages to the office, clients or other individuals. Many MLS offices also offer mobile device access as well as a lockbox integration via smartphone. In addition, smartphones also allow for you to be connected to social media platforms. Easily post photos and updates to social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter on the go.

The house hunt has gone digital as more and more new home shoppers are utilizing a mobile search engine to conduct research, according to the National Association of Realtors. If you don’t have a mobile friendly website design, then you should consider making one. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to access a website on a mobile device only to have limited to no functionality to view the site.

With all the smartphone computer technology functions, it takes the need away from being tied to a computer all the time. From email and internet access to handwriting recognition and calendar functions…everything can be in the palm of your hand. Smartphone adoption has become so widespread that it is uncommon to find someone that doesn’t have a smartphone. Utilizing a smartphone can benefit both your personal and professional life as a real estate agent.

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