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HiatusRAT Actors Targeting Web Cameras and DVRs

HiatusRAT Actors Targeting Web Cameras and DVRs



The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is releasing this Private Industry Notification (PIN) to highlight HiatusRAT1 scanning campaigns against Chinese-branded web cameras and DVRs. Private sector partners are encouraged to implement the recommendations listed in the “Mitigation” column of the table below to reduce the likelihood and impact of these attack campaigns.


HiatusRAT is a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) whose latest iteration has likely been employed since July 2022. Malicious cyber actors commonly use RATs to take over and control a targeted device from a distance. The Hiatus campaign originally targeted outdated network edge devices. Cybersecurity companies have also observed these actors using the malware to target a range of Taiwan-based organizations and to carry out reconnaissance against a US government server used for submitting and retrieving defense contract proposals.2

Please click here to read more detail

1 (U) Previous HiatusRAT campaigns have targeted edge routers to passively collect traffic and function as a covert network of command-and-control (C2) infrastructure.

2 https://blog.lumen.com/


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