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It's all here - links to hundreds of Web pages on every subject today's retailer should understand. Visitors to this site can access solid, timely information on technology, management strategies, staffing, record-keeping and much more. As an added bonus, a featured news article on the retail industry will be available every week. Making sales has never been so easy!

  • Industry Articles
    Each industry shown here is different. Each industry has its own special issues and items on running a successful industry business. Here you will find exciting articles on running your business within that industry.
  • Industry Publications
    Some of the finest chefs rely on their grandmothers' recipes. But in the case of restaurant pros, "cook-booking" may be as simple as referring to all the literature the industry offers! The links here lead to a nice sampling of professional publications for eateries of every type. As an added benefit, many provide online formats, as well as print versions, of their materials.
  • Trade Shows
    What better way to learn about new products and services than to gather with fellow retailers in a lively, informative venue? Year-round, the retail community sponsors shows and conferences designed to help attendees sharpen skills and build business. This section features some of the leading industry events, along with descriptions and registration information.
  • Trade Associations and Resources
    Given the size of the retail industry in the U.S., employment numbers and sales trends have a huge impact on our economy. Today's retailer can be a bricks and mortar stalwart in the neighborhood, or an upstart in the online world. Whether you sell behind a counter or from a catalogue, in person or in a virtual reality, you need help to weather the competition and the economy. This section provides useful information on retail industry trade associations and resources to help you prosper.
  • Licensing/Certification, Training & Cont.
    The retail industry covers many specialties under its broad umbrella. In this section, business owners can explore an array of training and continuing education opportunities, particularly through the National Retail Federation Foundation. On the "niche" side, areas include: apparel and fashion; cosmetology (with links to state licensing boards); pharmacy retail and management; and grocery and food service retail.
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