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With the touch of a key, visit databases addressing virtually every issue impacting the modern legal practitioner. From landmark decisions to law libraries; breaking news to conference opportunities; continuing education to statistics, trends and more - consider this the "go-to" source for nearly everything a savvy legal pro needs to know.

  • Industry Articles
    Each industry shown here is different. Each industry has its own special issues and items on running a successful industry business. Here you will find exciting articles on running your business within that industry.
  • Industry Publications
    The practice of law rests on the written word. With that in mind, this section offers connections to a host of professional magazines, newspapers, literature indexes and academic law journals. Publications such as the ABA Journal, The American Lawyer and The Harvard Law Journal are just a few featured entries - browse the list for many more.
  • Trade Shows
    What better way to stay on top of professional doings than to gather with colleagues? This section highlights some of the top events in the legal community, with when-and-where information, as well as registration tips. Moreover, sites such as The American Bar Association and the Hieros Gamos Law Events Calendar list conferences and meetings around the world.
  • Trade Associations and Resources
    Continuing education, breaking news, networking opportunities - these represent only a few of the perks trade associations can offer their members. This section lists some of the leading legal professional organizations according to their disciplines, among them the Commercial Law League of America, the American Bar Association and the American Bankruptcy Institute.
  • Licensing/Certification, Training & Cont.
    Opportunities for career advancement in the legal profession abound - but getting all the information on how to do this presents a real challenge. In this section, would-be attorneys and those already in practice will find extensive listings of professional specializations, including some non-traditional categories, as well as numerous links to continuing legal education resources.
This website and the articles contained within are provided as a free service to you and for general informational purposes only. Information on this website is not intended to provide legal, accounting, tax or other advice. Please consult your attorney, accountant, or financial or other advisor with regard to your individual situation. We also make no warranty or representation regarding, and do not endorse, any linked websites or the information appearing there.
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