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Using Alternative Social Networks

Aliza Sherman is a web pioneer, author, and international speaker. Sherman is the author of 8 books about the Internet including The Everything Blogging Book, Streetwise Ecommerce, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Crowdsourcing and Social Media Engagement for Dummies.
Diversify strategy with Yelp, NextDoor, Reddit, Discord, Quora, and Substack. Tailor to target markets and adapt for effective brand promotion. Using Alternative Social Networks

Choosing the right social network to reach your target market can be challenging. The most well-known social networks in the United States are Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and X (Twitter). These social networks provide user insights such as demographics, but their user base tends to change over time.

As people age and their preferences and habits change, how and where you speak to them on social networks also needs to change. Also new social networks pop up and try to get a foothold in the social media landscape and attract users from the big networks.

So which social networks should you consider using in addition to the big ones?

Before you consider adding alternative social networks to your social media marketing mix, make sure they fit some or all of the following criteria based on what is most important to your business:

  1. They attract and engage your target market.
  2. Their communication style and community culture are a fit for your brand.
  3. They provide demographic data and engagement insights.
  4. They provide paid advertising opportunities.

Here are some alternative social networks that might suit your needs.

Yelp - This network started as a review site for location-based businesses and eventually expanded to be more "social" with opportunities for companies to engage with customers and prospects. Claim your business for free then interact with customers who have reviewed your business or advertise. If you own a restaurant, Yelp has a table reservation feature called Yelp Guest Manager.

NextDoor - If you’re looking for hyperlocal marketing opportunities, NextDoor focuses on neighborhoods versus cities. In addition to places to post jobs or sell items, you can advertise. People on NextDoor will praise or air their grievances about local businesses that can give you a sense of what your customers or prospects are interested in or concerned about.

Reddit - Often ranking in the Top 10 social networks lists, Reddit is a discussion and news aggregation platform with a rating system where the community votes content up or down. Conversations cover a wide range of topics where you can glean information that could be useful for your marketing efforts. If you understand how to communicate on Reddit, you could hold an AMA event ("Ask Me Anything") where you can be on hand to answer questions from the Reddit community. Reddit also offers advertising opportunities.

Discord - This is another discussion forum-style social network that is popular among gamers and creators. Gen Z and young millennials (25-34) make up over 42% of Discord users worldwide. Discord is advertising free but as a company, you are able to create a "server" or channel to build your community.

Quora - This site is considered a "knowledge sharing platform" where people "in the know" can share their expertise with others, offering answers to questions posed by users. You can ask questions to get consumer insights. Quora also has a publishing platform where you can post to their blog-like feature and showcase your expertise. Quora also offers advertising options.

Substack - If you send a regular email newsletter to subscribers, you may want to explore Substack. This platform began as an email subscription service but has grown into a community platform that invites your subscribers to continue the conversation. You can also publish content like a blog or podcast and charge a subscription fee for your content to generate income.

Other Alternative Social Networks

When Twitter changed ownership and became "X," a slew of smaller social networks jockeyed for the position of best alternative network including:

Bluesky - If you’re looking for a very close alternative to Twitter, this "microblogging" platform has Twitter’s co-founder, Jack Dorsey, on the company’s board of directors and operates similarly to the network that is now called "X." It even looks similar to Twitter. While Bluesky is in beta, it is not offering advertising options but if it continues to grow, ads may be on the horizon.

Mastadon - Another microblogging platform, Mastadon is open source, has a more "alternative feel," and is known for being inclusive and community-oriented. There are no advertising options on this platform. Gamers, artists, techies, and other creatives tend to favor this network.

Threads - So far, this is the best contender for a "replacement" to X, if that is what your company needs. Owned by Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, Threads is automatically integrated with your Instagram account, making it easier to build a following and to cross-post. As the platform matures, expect this social network to have the same advertising options as the other Meta properties.

As you can see, there are many alternative social networks out there, some of which could prove to be useful to you as you promote what you do. Pro Tip: Join them all simply to reserve your brand name, even if you aren’t ready to use them. That way nobody else gets your name first.

Read other social media blogs by Aliza Sherman
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