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6 Strategies to Streamline Content Creation and Save Time

Jen Jordan brings a wealth of life and leadership experiences to her writing. After 10 years creating a variety of content for a nonprofit, Jen decided to establish her own writing business. She specializes in creating high quality blog and website content for small businesses. When she's not writing, Jen is a competitive triathlete with a goal of completing a triathlon in all 50 states.
Here are some ideas to streamline your content creation. Find the strategies that work for you. 6 Strategies to Streamline Content Creation and Save Time

From planning topics, research, and writing to editing and revision, creating high-quality content for your small business can be time-consuming. Yet, content marketing is a very effective strategy to help you get noticed by potential customers and keep you at the forefront with your current clients.

As a busy entrepreneur, you’re juggling a lot. The good news is that there are ways to streamline the content-creation process to save time without sacrificing quality. Here are six strategies to help you streamline your content creation process.

1. Choose quality over quantity

Businesses that publish on their blogs regularly usually see more leads from their inbound efforts. However, that doesn’t mean you need to publish content every day-or even every other day. Reducing the frequency of your posts in favor of high-quality content can be equally strategic.

Your audience prefers high-quality content. Try writing fewer, longer-form posts. They may take a bit longer to write, but they offer more value in the long run.

2. Consistency is key

In addition to quality, consistency is critical. Setting a cadence for your content helps your readers stay connected.

Releasing content daily for a short burst and then going radio silent leaves your audience wondering what to expect. Focus on building a consistent, quality presence in your readers’ inboxes and social media feeds.

3. Maintain a content calendar

Maintain a content calendar that extends at least a month in advance. Avoid forcing yourself to come up with the content on short notice.

Plotting all the best content ideas at least a month in advance eliminates the feeling of constantly writing under pressure. You’ll be able to consult your content calendar, grab the topic, and start writing. Planning ahead also helps you take advantage of social or cultural events (like holidays) in your content.

4. Bring in guest bloggers

Share the content creation load by inviting industry experts to guest-post on your blog or social media pages. Guest content frees up your time to devote elsewhere and allows you to connect with another audience.

Your guest poster will undoubtedly share their content on their social media pages, exposing a new audience to your business. Don’t forget to offer to return the favor.

As with any strategic partnership, choose guest bloggers who are aligned with your business and complement your work.

For example, a lawn care business might partner with a local plant nursery to exchange content. Or a home inspector might trade blog posts with a local realtor.

These are strategic partnerships that can lead to more business for everyone.

5. Outsource your content creation to a freelance writer

Content creation can take much valuable time and is an easy piece of your marketing strategy to outsource. It allows you to put your marketing in the hands of an expert and devote your energy elsewhere.

If you have a strategy to plan your content in advance, it’s easy to hire a freelance writer. This allows you to enjoy the benefits of a professional writer without finding the resources to expand your staff.

A best practice in outsourcing your content creation is to build a strong relationship with specific writers. This ensures consistency in your content and enables the writer to build a relationship with your business and customers.

6. Hire an editor

If outsourcing your content creation isn’t possible, consider hiring an editor. Quality editors will save you time and improve the overall quality of your writing. As your editor provides feedback, this improves your writing speed and reduces editing time.

There are many tactics to streamline your content creation. Get strategic about planning your content and bring in experts for help where appropriate. The key is to find the strategies that work for you while maintaining the quality of your content.

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